Updates, Kudos and Signing Offzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

The Ivy League Fencing Round-Robins “blogopoly” champion is heading to bed after a long day/night of bringing you the excitement.

There will be no collecting of $200 for this turn… suffice it to say.

Regardless, the masses have spoken… 3000 hits to the 2009 version on its official first day. That is nearly 3x as many as a year ago!

[and apparently putting Yoda at #10 and behind Uma Thurman offended some people (those 12 emails were very entertaining and much appreciated — so thank you ‘BoFett’ and the Crew)]

Anywho… the results are updated and I’m going to bed. Be sure to tell your friends about us… and check back on February 22nd as we tempt fate, weather, 95 North traffic, and room service to bring you the encore to the Ivy Round-Robins, hosted by Brown University and emceed by Atilio Tass!

Be Champions!

About The Ivy League

Founded in 1954, the Ivy League includes Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Princeton and Yale Universities, Dartmouth College and the University of Pennsylvania, and provides the country’s widest intercollegiate athletic opportunities for both men and women, with over 8,000 athletes competing each year. The Ivy League annually finishes among the top conferences in the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics competitive rankings, and Ivy student-athletes annually compile the country’s best records in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Academic Performance Ratings.
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